Connections Resource Center

     One of my favorite speeches of all time is, "I Have a Dream," by Martin Luther King.  And even though his dream is much different than mine, "I have a dream today."  I have a dream that people in our community won't have to suffer with mental health issues, that there will be enough help available for everyone when they need it, and that our community can proudly say, "We are the best because we care about our people enough to help them when they need it." 

     I have a dream that our group can help those people have more confidence in themselves, to prove to them that they are capable of more than they think, that they can reach their goals if they are willing to work for them, and that there is support available to them. And Community Connections is willing to work for that dream and do everything possible to see it become a reality. 

     But we need your help to do that. Our goal of $25,000 to open the doors to our new resource center is just the beginning. We plan to open a  thrift store within the center to support our mission, as well. Free peer counseling will be available, as well as one-on-one mentoring, a variety of weekly workshops. and help with community resources. 

     We know we have a long way to do before our dream becomes a reality, but we hope we can count on your support. We have several ways you can help! You can donate funds, volunteer, donate office furniture, or contribute to our holiday book fundraiser. Click on the links to find out more.

     Thank you for your support!