Who We Are

Community Connections of Iowa promotes the well-being of families.
After a derecho struck our community in Aug. 2020, Sean Zirtzman saw community members rise up and help their neighbors in need. They inspired him so much that he wanted to help, too, so he and his mother, Cindy Petersen, along with several others, formed a small group, and called it, "Community Connections." But Sean didn't want to stop there. His mother suggested having a clothes giveaway for kids going back to school. She remembered the struggle her mother had, and how stressful to was for her, too, as a single parent, to buy school clothes when the new school year began.
The group held other fun events and assembled snack bags for those in need, held free photo sessions, and holiday events. In 2023, the group officially became a 501c3. With the new status, the members had to decide what direction to go in. They decided that since children are the future, they needed to focus on helping parents, not only to become better parents, but to alleviate some of the stress that comes from being a parent. Community Connections of Iowa also wants to provide space for kids to be kids. Healthy and happy children grow up to be healthy and happy adults. And doesn't that make them better citizens?