Community Connections of Iowa

Helping to build a better community.

Who We Are

Community Connections of Iowa is a 501(c)3 located in the Cedar Rapids-Marion area. Our mission is to serve our community the best way we know how - with compassion and acceptance for all.

What We Do

Stress can shape our lives, usually with negative results. Community Connections of Iowa wants to help alleviate some of that stress by providing free Peer Counseling, Life Coaching/Mentoring, and educational classes and workshops, as well as free family events, so parents and their kids can spend quality time together without worrying about how much it costs. 

Peer Counseling and Mentoring

Community Connections of Iowa provides peer counseling and mentoring services to those who want it. Led by a group of volunteers, these recovery groups and one-on-one ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) sessions can help clients focus on, and set, goals and work toward a more meaningful life. This is a new program that will begin early next year.

Community Events

We hold a variety of events throughout the year including an Easter Egg Hunt in the spring, our Back-to-School Blast before school starts, Trunk or Treat for Halloween, Cookies with Santa for the Christmas holidays. We are planning more fun events, so follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date!

Community Resources

We make sure our website has the most current information for you, including all the fun free events in our community. We also have a list of food pantries in the area, as well as other community resources.

We Love Volunteers!

We would love to have you as a volunteer! You don't have to commit yourself and can pick and choose which programs or events you would like to help with. Send us a message and we can talk! 

Community Resources

Food  Pantries, Clothes Closets, and Meals for Those In Need:


Mission of Hope - 1700 B Ave NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402. Call (319) 365-1782, opens at 9 am, daily meal at 12 pm, clothing, food pantry.

Jane Boyd Community House - Clothing closet is at 404 17th Street SE, Cedar Rapids, IA, 52403. Call (319) 366-1408. Free clothes may be given year round.

Hawkeye Area Community Action Program (HACAP) - 1515 Hawkeye Drive, Hiawatha, (319) 393-7811, Food pantry, Backpack program for schools, given to kids who may not get the food they need at home. 

St. Paul's United Methodist Church - 1340 Third Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids

St. Vincent de Paul Society - 928 7th St SE, Cedar Rapids, Call (319) 365-5091 - . Some clients, in a crisis, may be given free toys (including at Christmas or a birthday). Get electronics, clothing and more. A free food pantry is also available. Emergency food baskets and more, open Tues. through Sunday, 9 am to 12 pm. For details click here.

Linn Community Food Bank, 305 5th Street SE, opens at 1 pm

Helping Hands Ministry, 601, 2nd Ave. SE, opens at 10 am, variety of services available

Metro Catholic Outreach, 420 6th Street SE, grocery pick-up begins at 5 pm

Together We Achieve, 1150 27th Ave. SW, opens at 4:30 pm

Green Square Meals opens at 4 pm to anyone who need a hot meal. Green Square meals is located at 605 2nd Avenue SE. Visit their website for details. 

Open Hands Food Pantry, 6455 E Avenue NW, (Cedar Hills Community Church) 5 - 6 pm. Visit their website for details.

Westdale Community Church, 3211 Edgewood Rd SW - call for details - (319) 396-7046

Salvation Army, 1000 C Avenue NW, open daily, Call for services at (319) 364-9131

Feed Iowa First, 1506 10th St SE, call for services.  (319) 775-0149

More community resources can be found by clicking here.